Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Excerpt from Desert Mountain SELPA: PBIS Introduction
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a multi-tiered prevention framework for building system capacity and enhancing the adoption and implementation of a continuum of evidenced-based interventions. These interventions support the establishment of a culture of social emotional, behavioral and academic success for ALL students.
The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, modeling, acknowledging, and reinforcing of positive student behavior will reduce excessive discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning. PBIS schools apply a multi-tiered approach to prevention, using disciplinary data and principles of behavior analysis to develop school-wide prevention strategies, targeted supports, and individualized interventions and supports to improve effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools.
Evidence-Based Features of PBIS:
- Prevention
- Define and teach positive social expectations
- Acknowledge positive behavior
- Arrange consistent consequences for problem behavior
- On-going collection and use of data for decision making
- Continuum of intensive, individual interventions and supports
- Implementation of the system that supports effective practices
Schools that effectively implement PBIS demonstrate
- Up to a 50% reduction in office referral rates per year (and corresponding reduction in suspension and expulsion rates)
- Improved Attendance Rates
- Improved academic achievement
- Improved staff perceptions of school safety and atmosphere
PBIS is a systems approach for establishing the social culture needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for ALL students.
How does Pathways K8 implement PBIS?
At Pathways K8 we believe in students acknowledging, understanding, and demonstrating the Bobcat Way. We believe in a safe, nurturing, learning environment for all students. Therefore, we have created The Bobcat Way in order to reach students and provide detailed expectations for all students on campus. Pathways K8 utilizes the acronym P.A.W.S., in which we teach the students to Practice respect, Act responsibly, Work and Play Safely.
The Bobcat Pledge
Every classroom on campus has The Bobcat Pledge poster as a reminder of the Bobcat Way (P.A.W.S.).
Recognition and Rewards
Pathways K8 understands how important behavior management is, and it does take a good effort for our students to make the best choices. During the beginning of the school year, we review all expectations in all grade-level classrooms. Recognition occurs through our award assemblies. Our most popular reward system is our CatCash. Students can earn CatCash for making good choices, or even caught following the expectations on campus! Students may use their CatCash in the Bobcat Store, which is open once per month, or they may even purchase a ticket for Lunch with the Principal!
Discipline Flow Chart
Consistent and fair discipline procedures are crucial to a successful consequence system in all schools. It is important that we are respectful of students in our disciplinary responses. Consequences should focus on:
- Re-teaching
- Strategies for correcting behavior
- Reflection/Think Sheets
- Logical consequences
In order to maximize student instructional time staff are encouraged to deal with problem behavior in their classrooms as much as possible. This requires that staff develop a clear discipline plan which teaches expectations, provides incentives for positive behavior and identifies clear responses to problem behavior within the classroom.
Adult behavior when providing correction needs to be:
- Calm
- Consistent
- Brief
- Immediate
- Respectful
Below is our Discipline Flow Chart which is used in the behavior referral process.
California PBIS Coalition Recognition Award
California PBIS Coalition Recognition Award
2022 Gold Award
2021 Bronze Award
California PBIS Coalition