Principal's Page

Dear Pathways to College K8 Parents/Guardians and Students:
We welcome you back to Pathways to College K8 for the 2024/2025 school year! We start on Wednesday, August 7, one day before the District starts. If you are new to PTC, we hope that you find here a second home for your child, one in which they can learn and play safely.
Pathways to College K8 continues its path forward expanding opportunities for students on many different levels. We are revamping our intervention and after school programs to provide more rigorous academic support. After school will still be a fun place to be, and students will hardly be aware that they are learning with all the engaging activities that we have planned. 
We are excited to announce yet again that the build project nears completion this fall, and the keys are tuned over in November in preparation for a move over Christmas Break. We should start the New Year and a new semester in our new school in January 2025. Look forward to a ribbon cutting ceremony sometime in January, to which all of you will be invited. 
In spite of the budget difficulties that the state is having, we have maintained a school counselor and a behavior interventionist on our team of educators. We are pinching pennies elsewhere and will make this year a year of doing more with less. Together we can make this work!
I would like to remind all parents of the school’s vision:
We envision a school that stands apart from others in its ability to influence all who enter its gates in a positive way; a school wherein each student is able to become a life-long learner and productive member of society; a school whose purpose is to develop in every learner a regard for the potential that each of us has.
Let us also remember our common goals from the mission statement: promotion of academic growth, social-emotional learning, and positive behaviors.  We can do this together as remember that each of us is a learner; all of us are learning and growing each day to become a better version of ourselves.
I wish you the best year ever at PTC. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. We are here to serve!

Craig C. Merrill 
Principal / Executive Director
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