
Now Enrolling!
Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 3:30 pm
For more information on Registration, Enrollment, or Records please contact Soledad Quiroa at 760-949-8002, ext. 6920 or send an email to [email protected]
Want to submit an Interest Form to us? Click the link below and complete the form!
Para el formulario en español, haga clic aquí:
TK / Kindergarten Registration: 2023/2024
TK at PTC For the 2023-24 School Year:
A child qualifies for the Kindergarten Program at the beginning of the school year if he/she turns five years old between 
September 2, 2022, and September 2, 2023. 

For the 2023-24 School Year:
A child qualifies for Transitional Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if he/she turns five years old between 
September 2, 2023, and April 2, 2024. 

TK is a full-day on-site program
Monday 8:00 am to 12:30 pm
Tuesday through Friday from 8:00 am to 3:15 pm
Immunization, Health & Wellness Forms
Bright Futures Mobile Health Services: Visit here to check low to no-cost services provided

Charter School Complaint Notice and Form

Charter schools are not allowed to discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in the charter school because the pupil exhibits any characteristics such as students with disabilities, academically low-achieving, English learners, neglected or delinquent, homeless, socially economically disadvantaged, foster youth, or based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Charter schools are not allowed to request a pupil's records before enrollment or encourage a child who is enrolled in a charter school to disenroll or transfer to another school. A parent, guardian, or pupil (18 years or older) may file a Charter School Complaint Form to the authorizing entity if they suspect the charter school is in violation of Education Code Section 47605(d)(4).